Convincing Your Husband to Use Cloth Diapers

When I first told my husband I was researching cloth diapers, he was pretty skeptical.  In fact, he echoed a lot of my very same fears.  Would it really save money?  Could I really stick with it?  And then there's the ick factor--

When pets have allergies

We used to play a game with our dog called "Smell it, find it."  We would hide her dog treat somewhere around the house and that basset hound nose of hers could sniff it out every time.  Yep, it's obvious that pets have a far stronger sense

The Benefits of Choosing a Midwife

Welcome to the Allen's Naturally blog!  This week, we've asked Jillian to share with us about the benefits of choosing a midwife for prenatal care and delivery.  Jillian is "just an ordinary homeschooling mom of eight."  Yep, you read

3 Allergy Warning Signs I Missed

Disclaimer:  I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV.  As a mom of three children, these are the things I've gleaned as I've compared my allergic children to my non-allergic child.  As always, please consult your real MD with any q